Patented technology. Unparalleled.

Botlr is easy to operate. He uses his patented technology to measure your bottle’s diameter automatically. No more manually entering label dimensions.

How to use our exceptional Botlr.

In a nutshell.

Take your Botlr out of the box. What you see is what you get, so this product is immediately ready to use.

Apply your label roll fast and easily. Make sure to follow the user manual doing so.

Turn on your Botlr and follow the instructions on the screen. You’ll be ready to go in no-time.

Let Botlr calculate the bottle’s diameter automatically and let him work his magic.

Yes, your Botlr is fully set and ready to assist you in your most demanding labelling requirements.

In need of even more specifics?

Request Botlr’s user manual to get a precise picture of how Botlr operates.

Request Botlr’s manual